
In the Judaic tradition the spark of creation,
The Big Bang -
Is described as a piece of light from the Creator,
Gifted to every living thing in the expanding universe.

In Hebrew the opening and playing with this gift is called Tikkun Olam.
The light We are Given is to shine us onto the part of Creation left for Us to finish.
If you see a part of the world that is broken and you see how to repair it that is your Tikkun.
If you see only brokenness and despair it is the light you use for self repair.

How lovely and difficult a gift!
How much trust Divine Creator offers stretching’s the umbilical light cord through spacetime!
We patch the frayed cord to avoid burnout,

We fix chinks in our own boundary wall to avoid interference,
We are clear the Channel of mud and bark.

How wise a Creator to give us this impossible miracle amidst a bounty of taken for granted ones:
Salt Water.
Two inches of Top-soil.
Enough oil to last a Maccabean Siege.
The photosynthesis of light becoming honey.
The quiet cool of night.

And many half finished and abandoned projects later
in the He Said/She Said story that leads us to Adam’s second wife,

it’s rumored God performed a Thoracotomy.
For men need all the help They can get repairing Themselves in this World,
And it helps to have a little skin in the game.


Now read this

Report from Taylor Ranch

Bruce Mulkey asked me to share a report on the board retreat at Taylor Ranch with our beautiful community. Humbly, I will begin with the poem the Lord of dreams offered as I awoke this Sunday. Inspired by Laura Collins’ observation that... Continue →