Abolish 13? Ratify 28th? Burn it down?

The news out of Minneapolis this morning has my heart sick, my mind angry, and my body reaching for my copy of The Fire Next Time.
I do not have an answer, and I am so, so tired reading of another American family weeping over the body of its son. A city in flames understandably so. This is well over the thousandth killing of an unarmed American this year.
Twice have I been chained. Once I have been under the gun of the police. Never have the authorities attempted to violate the privilege of my skin to the point of death. They wouldn’t dream of it. I am under no illusions that this is a privilege, an accident of birth. I am an American. I am as African as the first man.
I am a man.

This cannot continue.

I am glad the FBI is growing more involved. I am glad that we are paying a little more attention. I am glad the rights and positions of the killers are under arrest. I am glad my children are witness to this. But this a cup of water against a forest fire. It will not forestall the calumny of our nation. It will not appease a just Universe.

I am not glad Minneapolis is burning, but this has been foretold, from Noah on down. A people who cannot respect natural law will lose it. Lose it slowly and thoroughly over time, or immediately and completely. The choice is ours.
I do want my children to live this reality. A reality we have endured since 1864.

I do not want to read of another death: in North Carolina, in Georgia, in Minnesota. I do not want to wait another 400 years for this reality to be rewritten.
I can suggest protest. Peacefully if possible, violent if you must. But violence does not discriminate and does not answer to our better angels.
I can suggest witness, at no time should an encounter with law enforcement NOT be recorded. If the laws do not allow you to do so, then I welcome you to seek prosection on that matter. I would love to be on that jury.
I suggest writing our representatives requesting action locally and federally, to ensure equal rights for all. As of this writing, 37 states have ratified the ERA. The amendment awaits a decision by the courts and states to move forward. It is still possible. It is still necessary to fulfill the promise of a more perfect union.
The blood of 1000’s of patriots cries out to us all.
It cries from within your veins too.

Photo Courtesy Associated Press


Now read this

Columbine, Texas

How do we grieve? I remember standing over the dead of Columbine Children just as I was, who thought themselves adult. Latchkey kids of the 1990’s Whose parents lived in other rooms and other hours, Not on others phones and customized... Continue →