
Everyone wants the crown no one wants the virus.
The salt but not the sand.
We want the cake but not the Bastille
The front porch lemonade
Forgetting that the reason southerners entertain outdoors,
Or as “We here in the South” prefer to be called
If you can’t call us by our chosen name.
Is that we can’t let just anyone in.

What I am trying to say
What WE are trying to say, call us what you will,
the US
Right or Left
Catholic, Jew, or Cosmic Christ
Is that connection takes time.

It’s an unfinished product
That once you have it seems self-evident.
It comes from Soul spark by way of an off broadway play
Right through Malcom’s Mecca
and Ali’s fists, to Micheal Brown’s body.
Or John’s body.
Right through Monika’s Diamond.
It’s not an event
We didn’t know about or chose to forget
It confounds purpose
As God loves to do with our shaded little lives
That we notice too soon are gone.
If not forgotten.


Now read this

Hue Decoration Day

Tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, That here obedient to their laws we lie. I am made in the mold of White knuckled men Who wake early Regardless of the night before. Precision is not an exacting science for them Yet we know the... Continue →