Ode to Dr. Seuss

Those of us that work with lightly weighty things
like words, however skilled,
Know the danger of describing things most of us have seen.
Things like butterflies, love, the corner-store, waterfalls, and love,
things in progress
So easily misunderstood.
We prefer unknown things
Deserts, rocks, the Universe of God,
Every raft of words, groggily crafted in the morning,
sails out in the evening with this flag hoisted to the mast:
Stop taking these things so damn literally!

Photo Credit: Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions


Now read this

Me Too

metoo # Everybody knows that they guilty Everybody knows that they’ve lied Everybody knows that they guilty Resting on their conscience eating their inside It’s freedom, said it’s freedom time now. – Lauryn Hill In high school, working... Continue →