Monday Morning, ugh, Prayer

Lord, thank You for every little thing,
For every big thing we think we can do today.
Gift us to do it for You and Through you
that You may be goofily, groggily, glorified.
Your World made perfect through this clumsiness

Plant a new Eden in my fallow field
Fill my heart with new water that I may share the harvest with
Every radiant facet of your Presence.
One legged.
And Four-Legged,
Let the stones sing with the water of my Heart as I pass
On my way home to You.


Now read this

Bloody Sunday

I bring the broken flowers Picked from the side of the neighbors road. For the altar of my hippie church. Where we pray to the God of our own misunderstanding. Before I make an Irish exit In French. The glass against the album lyric you... Continue →