
Scientists tell us there is a cluster
Of neurons
In the prefrontal cortex called
Mirror Neurons
That assist the more ancient and immediate
Flight or Fight
To decide whether
To plant one on you
Or punch you- or both.
With all these neurons it gets confusing.

The yogis say that
We are all mirrors of ourselves
We are the ones we are looking for
In front of mirrors,
In the streets of Manhattan,
Skinny-dipping in the Big Ivy,
The soft light you feel
Is you watching you with joy
In my eyes.


Now read this

Om Matri Compati

Grandfather is worried about ants and cockroaches on the sill. But gives no care to the air and nothing for the river. How many here are like this? Playing the wars of the last generation? /separations/ How many avatars and prophets do... Continue →