I pulled the copy of Bukowski
You gave me out of the desire for a co-conspirator
Or obligation- who knows
Off the shelf and sat it on top of the commode
For balance to the slim volume of the Dalai Lama.

I miss your ready muse
Surprised you realize that it
Whatever it Was
Was over that evening halfway through dinner
Roughly the same time I did
I didn’t realize we had become so clear to ourselves
So gossamer
The still cool wind of ego
Cleared our respective basements to the studs
Of whatever was there.


Now read this

I Didn’t Need To Use My AK

One thinks one is well enough. But how can we be sure? Being sober. For now, that must be enough, to be considered a good day. All else is gravy. A sober day, whatever maintenance that requires, must be considered A good day. One is... Continue →