There are few but ‘beautiful’ leaves yet in this quantum year.
Whether a coincidence of global warming
The Alcubierre news cycle, foreign and domestic,
or the ever-increasing social distancing.
That brings our masked faces closer to the fire next time.
Nothing I’ve found
when I take the time to look
Would survive the this rising ocean.
This ridge of wildfires.

So at the risk of
Tipping off the authorities
To recently outlawed traditions.
Please consider the Longleaf Pine
A stateside substitution for my affection
And admiration of our friendship with each on this blue jewel
A token akin to the Syrian Ironwood tree

All is well,
All is terrible,
As usual.
The poor in spirit sow seeds,
The radicals transplant roots
And the reactionaries begin again.
Breaking and building wheels in the sky.
Those of us in the middle move through these shallow doors.

We settle into Samhain unquietly
Lighting candles,
Worsting wool.
Awaiting wonder.


Now read this


In the Judaic tradition the spark of creation, The Big Bang - Is described as a piece of light from the Creator, Gifted to every living thing in the expanding universe. In Hebrew the opening and playing with this gift is called Tikkun... Continue →